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Ensuring and protecting your rights


The Affirmative Action Office is charged with ensuring that university policies and programs comply with applicable Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action laws.

File a sexual misconduct complaint           File a discrimination complaint

We support UW-欧克莱尔's commitment to equity and 多样性 by developing and implementing the university's Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action policies and procedures. Our goal is to maintain a campus environment that is free of discrimination and 骚扰, and that is welcoming to all students, 员工, 和客人. 


The Affirmative Action Office supports UW-欧克莱尔’s commitment to equity, 多样性, and inclusion by providing education and outreach on anti-discrimination laws and policies, receiving and investigating complaints related to discrimination and 骚扰, creating and disseminating our annual affirmative action plan, providing relevant work为ce data to campus stakeholders, and providing resources and oversight 为 employee recruitment processes.


Our vision is to create a diverse work为ce and inclusive campus that is free of discrimination, 骚扰, 和偏见, in a community that is welcoming and equitable 为 all students, 员工, 和客人.

Affirmative Action planning 

The University of Wisconsin-欧克莱尔 operates under an Affirmative Action Plan. The Affirmative Action Plan analyzes UW- 欧克莱尔’s work为ce composition and compares our demographics with the numbers of available workers in various areas of employment at UW-欧克莱尔. The plan also analyzes our recruitment, 选择, 任命, 促销活动, 培训, 纪律, and employment processes. It delineates goals and responsibilities and describes programming in the area of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity.

This plan is reviewed annually by the 大学参议院 Executive Committee. A summary of the document, either written or oral, will be provided to the full 大学参议院 (US 2/96).The Affirmative Action Plan is available at the 麦金太尔库 and the Affirmative Action Office.​

Affirmative Action Reports


Affirmative Action

Schofield Hall 101
105 Garfield Avenue
欧克莱尔, WI 54701